Jimmy Reagan - Medusa, Oil Pastel on Paper, 2011 |
Over the last six months, Jimmy's art has been growing in ways that continue to surprise me. The density of the colors, combinations of color and subjects are all evolving. He is changing in other profound ways as well. I delivered some of Jimmy's art pieces to be scanned for printing as few weeks ago. As the printer perused the portfolio, he remarked, "Jimmy's work is changing in such interesting ways. I've worked with some artists for ten to fifteen years and their work never seems to evolve. Jimmy's work is really growing. This is so exciting" I thought this was interesting. He also remarked, "Jimmy isn't inhibited by what others think." This is certainly true with his art. I was pleased by these comments and is caused me to think. His tutor, Ron, stopped me on Friday after class and said I need to tell you about something that I've observed over the last several month with Jimmy - it is so exciting. Math word problems have always been a challenge for Jimmy. Ron stated that Jimmy is now able to complete near age appropriate math word problems. This is a remarkable change. Jimmy is more engaged and seeming to be able to follow multi-step instructions in a way that is very different. All of these wonderful changes seems to be happening together. Is it a change in his health, the way the material/information is being delivered, less anxiety, a sense of purpose, motivation to perform because of constant positive feedback or is his art changing the way his brain is actually functioning? I don't know. But, certainly think this would be a fine research question to study.
When Jimmy was 5, I was told by a very knowledgeable psychologist that neuroplasticity ends at age 6.
"Neuroplasticity is a non-specific neuroscience term referring to the ability of the brain and nervous system in all species to change structurally and functionally as a result of input from the environment.[1] Plasticity occurs on a variety of levels, ranging from cellular changes involved in learning, to large-scale changes involved in cortical remapping in response to injury. The most widely recognized forms of plasticity are learning, memory, and recovery from brain damage. During most of the 20th century, the general consensus among neuroscientists was that brain structure is relatively immutable after a critical period during early childhood. This belief has been challenged by new findings, revealing that many aspects of the brain remain plastic even into adulthood.[2]" Wikipedia

So, what am I thinking….Jimmy is becoming a different more engaged and healthier human being. What is behind this drastic change? He is able to function in public settings that were previously nothing but frightening for him and us. As of late, his language output seems slightly improved. I believe that his art is changing the way he thinks and is helping to make new connections in the part of his brain that has seemed to be so handicapped in the past. His interest in art has allowed him to be open to new things. He has found something that he loves that has given him a sense of purpose, worth and perhaps, has improved his actual brain function.
Growth spurts can come at any age! Great post. I hope that we all continue to grow, just as Jimmy does. If we had listened to the "specialists" about our own son Sachi, we would have given up hope that he would ever speak long ago. Now I wonder how to get him to be quiet once in a while:-) He loves to talk and has the most amazing things to say at times. I'm glad that we took what was useful from the specialists but didn't necessarily believe everything that they felt was true back then.