
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

They’re off!

Scores of high school, college and recently graduated college boys and girls have graced our home this summer. I’ve gotten to know a few new kids and grown closer to those we’ve spent countless hours with over the years. All of these young adults have shown kindness and compassion towards our family and Jimmy. I am so grateful for these kids whose interests represent a wide range activities and skills.  Their best trait is that they are all fine human beings.
Kelly, Jack, Jimmy, Patrick and Ned 1997

This summer was a difficult one for our family from the standpoint that Jimmy has been struggling since last spring.  As we work to find solutions for his challenging healthcare issues, his behavior and sleep patterns are often aberrant leaving our family exhausted.    

Each of our kids has a close group of friends, Ned: Mitch, Michael, Brian, JT and Renner: Patrick: Luke, Andy, Shane, Alec (a host of girls too); Jack: Chris, Janey, Ben, JP and Pat; Kelly: Laura, Coco and Noelle as well as her host of friends in Boston who snap chat, text and call. I’ll call this group, “The Kids”.  I am so grateful for the support that “The Kids” offer my kids.  They need the support and I appreciate the countless acts of kindness that are shown to our children.

Josh Harrod, Kelly, Jimmy,
Jack, Patrick and Ned 2012
Sea Bird Island, Florida
We delivered Patrick and Jack to St John’s University in Collegeville last Thursday.  Three weeks prior to leaving for SJU, we found out that Patrick had to have surgery on his arm. Not the best situation to show up at SJU in a cast unable to move his own things into school.  But, that was okay because the SJU swim/dive team came to help move Patrick into his room.  Patrick will be swimming and diving for SJU this year. The coach called last week as did the team captain to report that they would move Patrick into his room.  I have a feeling we will have additions to “The Kids” group.

Ned started school yesterday as junior at St. Thomas Academy.  Ned and his pals stopped at our house before football practice yesterday.  Last Wednesday night when we were plating up our back to school dinner, Ned grabbed a goblet and it broke in his hand sending us to the ER for stitches in his hand.  Happily, he is
St Thomas Academy Football Team
back to football today with a wrap over the stitches. I am amazed at how quickly 16 year old boys change in a summer. Ned and his friends look more like men this school year than the boys they were last spring.

Today, my house is clean and picked up.  The beds are made.  The throws are neatly folded on the couches. The dishes are done and the garbage isn’t full. The countless numbers of shoes, socks, shorts, towels and swimsuits are back in their places.  This past summer my house was littered with all these things and I didn’t really mind.  I was glad to have the house full of happy people.

To “The Kids” and my kids…...have a fabulous school year and we’ll be here for you.