
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Scherer/Imholte Estate sale August 16th and 17th. Beautiful items for sale!

My dear friend Rachael Scherer is downsizing and will be hosting and estate sale organized by 

Muirfield Estate Sales. Rachael is a former MCAD board member and owner of lovely artwork.  She 

asked to have a few of Jimmy's pieces in the sale. His new painting, The Cow, will be part of the sale. 

Here are the details: ADDRESS 1535 Xanthus Ln, Plymouth ( 1/2 mile West of 

Hwy 101 off North side of County Rd 6 ); HOURS Saturday 9:00-4:00 (‪#‎s‬ @ 8:00), Sunday 10:00-3:00. 

This sale will be well worth the trip!